How Latest PED Scandal Will Affect MLB's Future

How Latest PED Scandal Will Affect MLB's Future

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

As ESPN's Outside the Lines reported on Tuesday, MLB's version of the future involves using Tony Bosch's cooperation to suspend Alex Rodriguez, Ryan Braun and others for having PED ties to Bosch's now defunct anti-aging clinic in South Florida …
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Rodriguez to 'monitor' MLB drug investigation

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

After bringing rains, heavy winds and even tornadoes to parts of Florida, Tropical Storm Andrea was moving quickly toward the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas early Friday, promising sloppy commutes and… After bringing rains, heavy winds and even …


Democrats' new scandal tactic: sniveling

Filed under: drug treatment programs florida

On Tuesday, liberal Lanny Davis took to the airwaves to complain about his treatment on a supposedly “abusive” Fox News show on which I was also a guest. He vowed never again to go on the show. Of our joint appearance on “Justice with Judge Jeanine …
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