Meditation Guru Tara Brach Is Calm Eye of Washington's Stress-Filled Storm

Meditation guru Tara Brach is calm eye of Washington's stress-filled storm

Filed under: drug treatment centers in virginia

Strangers write from around the world to say her words have saved them from committing suicide or relapsing into drugs. Government … "She's clearly treating modern forms of sickness," said Clark Strand, a well-known Buddhist writer. "But it's part of …
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New drug enhances radiation treatment for brain cancer in preclinical studies

Filed under: drug treatment centers in virginia

A novel drug may help increase the effectiveness of radiation therapy for the most deadly form of brain cancer, report scientists at Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center. In mouse models of human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the new …
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Military Chiefs Oppose Removing Commanders From Sexual Assault Probes

Filed under: drug treatment centers in virginia

But while there may be derelict commanders, he said, those are anomalous, and the chain of command must be "fully engaged and at the center of any solution" to the issue. The general later said that … Tim Kaine, D-Virginia, said 90% of victims who …
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Multiple Heroin Overdoses in Same Region of Virginia

Filed under: drug treatment centers in virginia

Tuesday, a 26-year-old Spotsylvania County man died from what is believed to have been a heroin overdose. And on Wednesday, a 34-year-old Culpeper County man overdosed on heroin. He died a day later at the University of Virginia Medical Center in …
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