UPIS / AGP KZN 28. 3. 2011.


UPIS / AGP KZN 28. 3. 2011. – SUCCSESFULL EDUCATION IN PREVENTION OF PATHOLOGICAL GAMBLING Representatives of companies — members of Association of Gambling Providers received certificat…


Edward Snowden Is Completely Wrong

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Despite the press treatment of the NSA story, which judging from editorial opinion has come out largely on Snowden's side, most Americans appear relatively unperturbed. A Pew … Another problem for the alarmists: No evidence suggests that the worst …
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Heroin use, deaths up in WA, especially in youth

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Banta-Green found the largest increases in heroin use and abuse in Washington state were outside of metropolitan areas, where drug treatment and awareness are lowest. Overdose deaths from heroin or related prescription drugs more than doubled in …
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Hidden Trials Distort Reality, Group Charges

Filed under: drug addiction treatment act of 2000

Fix the Problem Now. "We want to give the responsible parties a chance to do this work," Doshi said. "What's new here is that independent authors are in a position to fix the record if it is not done by the responsible parties." In their journal …
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