What Can I Expect on My First NA Meeting?

Question by New Beginning: What can I expect on my first NA Meeting?
Serious answers only please.
I have come to grips that I need to seek help for my drug addiction. I am scared to go to my first meeting and I would really appreciate any information on what I can expect when I walk through that door. Will I have to talk to people or can I just observe? Can I talk when I am ready or do I have to talk to the group? I’m very nervous,….if you can’t tell.

Best answer:

Answer by tacoma_fast_ball
I have been it will help you

you don’t have to talk just listen it is people like you with the same problem give it a chance

you wont be judged there

Good Luck

Answer by Matt S
I’ve never been to NA, but have been going to AA. You will probably see people reading a “preamble” of various things. Then possibly a 10-15 minute speaker, followed by a group discussion. You absolutely do not have to talk if you don’t want too. In fact, it’s probably better that you just listen. Don’t worry if people want to talk to you, it’s part of their staying clean. Don’t judge based on one meeting. Have fun, it’s better than dying an addict!