What Negative Effects Come From Perscription Opiate Use, Constantly for Say 2-3 Years?

Question by Anonymous: What negative effects come from perscription opiate use, constantly for say 2-3 years?
nose is dry
The withdrawals surprisingly aren’t noticeable.

People opiates are only as dangerous as the person taking them, allows them to be.

My will power to quit is good, but i don’t want to quit yet..
So what will happen to someone who was addicted, continued his addiction..

Death is not an answer, unless your stupid enough to overdose..my name is anonymous, not stupid;)

basically if one was to continue snorting these opiates, what permanent effects will result?

Thank you
Idk what those sites are, so I’m staying right here:)

Best answer:

If you have been taking for that long in a daily basis you better be prepared when you quit because I assure you it will be worse than a dry nose. Your best bet will be to taper, if u can get a doctors help to do all the better . But you better make sure you have enough to taper with, go on line and check the blogs they will be of great help but start this process way before you are planning to stop.

Answer by Fred
I read that it could harm your immune system. You could also experience hallucinations, and men could have lowered testosterone levels. Vomiting and the loss of desire to work are also some symptoms that some people experience.

Bone damage and reduced muscle strength could be problems that males experience. The long-term effects are harmful, because your respiratory system, heart, and liver could be impacted. You should definitely seek drug rehab. I know that there are several Florida drug and alcohol treatment centers. I’m sure that you can find a center near you.