More important:Earth V.S. Lindsay,Brittney,&Paris!Hmmmmmmm…..?
Question by yessca333: more important:Earth V.S. Lindsay,Brittney,&Paris!Hmmmmmmm…..?
Shouldn’t our news report more on why we are at war or maybe,how we can help reduce our pollution? Guess not,because who cares about the ozone layer,or melting glaciers because Lindsay is back in rehab,not that anyone else in the world is.(I sincerely wish her the best in recovering). I do understand how hard it must be being under the everwatching eye of the media,but I cannot even stand the news anymore its always about some Movie star or how to fight the war on drugs,(ya right JOKE…buy the legal pills). Have you ever seen those late night “Paid programs” that want you to buy a pill for everything?I think the Hollywood gossip is indeed interesting but not as important as spending some time alone with nature and if we dont start taking just a little action I cannot imagine what the earth would be like in many years to come and if my generation to come will be able 2 walk outside without a protective suit! ANyone agree?
****that is what I was hinting at,glad to know you understand
Best answer:
Answer by DanceCat Squiggy
The government does not want it’s own people educated on what’s going on. They keep us in the dark by filling our heads with that junk. Like being giving candy for dinner. It keeps us ignorant. If we knew more about what our government was doing we’d oppose it. They don’t want that, they have to keep us on their side by keeping us uninformed about the TRUTH
Answer by martinthurn
I think you’re looking at the wrong news, because I read/watch a lot of news but I don’t know much about those young women (other than I’d love to &*^$ % their tight little *&$ &%$ ). If you see a story you don’t like, CHANGE THE CHANNEL!!!