Can You Force Someone Into Drug Rehab?

Question by Allison: Can you force someone into drug rehab?
The person is my father, I am over eighteen years old, Kentucky.
What steps could I take?
Any additional information would be helpful.

Best answer:

Answer by Inda Cloud
It won’t do a bit of good. He has to hit his bottom – and for most this can take several times to do before he’s ready to do anything about his addiction.

*You* cannot do it for him.

Answer by USA all the way 2
you’re an adult, don’t go. He can however kick your sorry ass out of his home and not give you any support to live on unless you do. fact is, a lot of young people out there wish their parents cared enough to try to help them. You are lucky enough to have a father who cares and wants to help you. You need to understand that every thing you do goes on your resume. Not just your school and work, but your police record, you activity, your dependence on drugs or alcohol. These are things that will follow you your entire life. YOu dad is trying to give you a chance to make something of yourself before you ruin your chances. Take it now, before it is to late.