What Is It Like Being a Drug and Alcohol Counselor?

Question by desolatedelusion: What is it like being a drug and alcohol counselor?
I have always been interested in this field but I really don’t know much about it. Do you work in a drug treatment center? Are your patients there by choice? Are you comfortable financially? Is this a flooded field?Any dangers or bad personal experiences? Is this harder for females? I’ll also take any advice you’d like to give. Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by Shaleeza L
spin around 20 times and go fast thet is your anwer.If that is wrong try 30 times.

Answer by Master Ang Gi Guong
It has its rewards but more often there is failure.Many patients are court-ordered and present problems rather than seeking treatment. Many believe they don’t have a problem and are trying to beat the system.
The money isn’t very good. I have had patients try to bite me, stab me, throw things at me, spit on me; one even found out where I live and tried to set my house on fire.
Females run the risk of being raped or harmed if the patient is sick enough or a sociopath.I don’t do it for the money. I do it to afford those who are serious about recovery the opportunity to learn about it in a safe environment.My rewards aren’t in money but in seeing people change the way they live despite having an incurable, and often fatal, condition.
Sadly, more people die than live. Sadder still— IT ISN’T NECESSARY TO DIE FROM ADDICTION.