What’s It Like Visiting Someone in Drug Rehab?
Question by Amanda: What’s it like visiting someone in drug rehab?
My boyfriend is at a 90-day residential drug rehab and wants me to visit him, he said I can stay the whole day, what’s it like? What will we do?
Best answer:
Answer by gldjns
I can’t say for sure, since I’ve never had the experience. What you can do throughout the entire day is really up to the staff and whatever their policies and restrictions for visitors are.
Answer by Melina
Someone in my entourage been in drug rehab and I used to visit him. In the place I went, you could walk outside (it was located near a river), or go anywhere in the house. It’s especially for you to spend some time with him. There were no plan for the visit, it was up to us to decide what we wanted to do (not much to do though).
I guess it depends on the place. Try calling and asking them.
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