Does Anyone Know of Free Drug Rehab Programs?

free drug abuse treatment
by SS&SS

Question by i love my son: does anyone know of free drug rehab programs?

My family member is a 24 year old female who lives in Washington state. She is addicted to meth,

Best answer:

Answer by Phil
In my state, free or near-free rehab programs are funded through the Medicaid program. How that works exactly may vary by state. Try checking with your states Dept. of Mental Health (or equivalent) — drug and alcohol abuse are considered mental health issues.

Answer by tuesday
There are numerous substance abuse treatment centers located around the globe. Without a location, the person’s age and drug of choice, etc., it’s impossible to list everything that he/she may be eligible for.

Edit-in with location details and age of the person.

There are many county/state rehab and treatment centers that are no-cost for people who can not afford to pay for treatment.

Alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, cocaine anonymous, etc. would be a good place to start for referrals.

The website “ask an addict” has many referrals, self help, info re: 12-step programs, state and county-run programs, sober living house info, as well as being a Q & A format for anyone to ask anything/everything re: addiction in all of it’s forms. The contributors have all been there, done that..and some have almost lost their lives because of their addictions. They are the ones who know where to go and how to find the most beneficial help..without judging anyone. That’s not what they are about. They want to HELP.


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