Doc: My State in Addiction Stranglehold
Doc: My state in addiction stranglehold
Mark Publicker Maine is in the stranglehold of just such a transitional drug addiction epidemic — it began in the late ’90s. And we are not alone. Recent reports of mass overdose deaths in Pittsburgh and Rhode Island are strong indicators that …
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Philip Seymour Hoffman: addiction is a chronic disease of the brain
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s tragic death, apparently the result of a drug overdose, is a reminder that drug addiction crosses all socioeconomic barriers, the treatment system is lacking and addiction is a stealth companion, a chronic disease of the brain.
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My mother’s addiction comes from pain
How heroin kills you And it wasn’t just my mother. Mental illness, drug addiction and suicidal tendency ran so thick in my family that as a teenager I just waited for the day when I would get mine. The medical professionals in those days just …
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