Assembly Committee Advances Brown's Inmate Relocation Plan

Assembly Committee Advances Brown's Inmate Relocation Plan

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

The plan received support from some state lawmakers — including Assembly Speaker John Pérez (D-Los Angeles) — as well as district attorneys, police chiefs, county sheriffs, prison guards and other groups (California Healthline, 8/29). The measure …
Read more on California Healthline


State Assembly panel approves 5 million to reduce prison crowding

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

If the bill is approved by the full Assembly, it sets the stage for a showdown in the Senate, where Democrats oppose the measure and will insist that more money be spent on rehabilitation and drug treatment services for felons so they do not end up …
Read more on Los Angeles Times


Gov. Brown's prison plan fraught with problems

Filed under: drug treatment programs in california

Many of the in-state facilities would not be able to accept that many inmates before the deadline, so many prisoners would have to be shipped out of state – and then shipped back into California once the facilities here are ready. The governor's plan …
Read more on San Francisco Chronicle