Can I Find Some Help?

Question by WhittleHope: can i find some help?
does anyone know a good rehabilitation center foe drugs. u live in the pitt pa area. religious i think would be good? maybe christian
i’m sorry but i do not have a church and mayve thats been on the bad side of things. i find myself not wanting to live at all. i find ;my life hard and that i need help

Best answer:

Answer by designer4theking
Actually ask one of the pastors at your local area church. The know things about the community. Best of everything to you , know this will be your hope for your future. I admire you for the courage. Only good things can happen now. Will pray for you.

Answer by A F
Hello I know it took courage and getting to the end of your rope to ask. Yes there is hope. God really does care about you. Your freedom is one of the reasons Jesus came to this earth. I have seen people with major addictions become completrely drug free with His help and by His power.

Here’s a site listing many drug help centers in PA, Some will require insurance,some will take Medicaid and help you apply, some may be free or on an ability to pay basis. Your local mental health dept can give you more info. too.

I don’t know much about you like your age but one of the best progtrams anywhere is Teen Chalelnge and there is a TC center near you. Here’s their website

I’ll be praying for you.