Cost Sharing for Polyp Removal During Colonoscopy Waived for Some Patients

Cost Sharing for Polyp Removal During Colonoscopy Waived for Some Patients

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

Additionally, the cost of treating advanced-stage CRC has risen dramatically in recent years. We've had a number of new drugs introduced that improve survival [rates], but those drugs come with a very high price tag.” In addition to the cost sharing …
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New report: Mandatory drug testing of Work First applicants would be a big mistake

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

“The bill is fiscally and morally irresponsible,” said Sabine Schoenbach, a policy analyst with the NC Justice Center's Workers' Rights Project and co-author of the report. “Universal drug testing is an unfunded mandate that could … Blanket testing …
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After flight delays, will cancer move Congress to act?

Filed under: drug treatment centers in nc

The bill's author, Representative Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, a Tea Party favorite, argues that because of the sequester, oncology clinics have been sending patients to hospitals to get their drugs. But hospital treatment costs, which are not …
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