Drug Addiction……..?
Question by matt b: Drug Addiction……..?
About two years ago I had back sugery. Long story short I have been addicted to pain killers since then. As soon as my doctor cut me off, i went straight to the streets. Its been ruining my life, and i’m so ready to get help. Where do I start? Is there free clinics(Im in college in eastern Long Island)?
Best answer:
Answer by yun bun
just go to aa meetings and delete #’s in your cell
Answer by brose7979
If you have been addicted for appx 2 yrs now, you will probably have better success by going to a rehab. There are many different types of rehabs. Some will keep you for 30 days, some programs go as long as 90 days. It all depends on the individual. You will definetely need therapy as well. You will feel overwhelming depression once you stop the pain meds, its because your brain is trying to adapt to not having the pills. The mental struggle is a lot harder than the physical dependency. You may want to go to a hospital that deals with substance abuse once you begin to detox too, cause you will feel aweful. I know your in college, but, getting clean off those pain meds is more important, so if you have to put school off for a couple of months, then so be it. Once you quit, you may not feel normal for a couple of months, it can take that long. If you have the money, there are clinics around that deal specifically with pain med addiction, and the doctor will put you on a regimend using an opiate blocker called suboxin(thats spelled wrong, but you can look it up). That opiate blocker actually prevents you from feeling withdrawal symptoms. The only catch with that, is that it’s pretty expensive. The first script, and visit to the doctor costs appx. $ 280. But, it does work as long as you are commited to quitting. Good luck with it, I hope it all works out for you. I understand what your going through. I ve been there myself.
Support groups are plentiful in the region
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS: Marion, Va., Survivors Group, Royal Oak Presbyterian Church, 139 W. Main St.; Sunday, open meeting, 8 p.m., open discussion; group meets regularly to help each other recover; open to those addicted to any form of drugs …
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Family frustrated with lack of services for drug addicted sister
It's anything from one to three days,” Trainor said. People are also told they can contact a counsellor or a self-help group such as Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous, or to go to the emergency department if they are very ill. If they end up …
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Local, National Groups Giving Parents Tools to Help Children with Addictions
To close the information gap, support groups for parents are springing up, as well as organizations working to destigmatize addiction and promote addiction prevention and treatment. One such organization is Shatterproof, founded by Gary Mendell, who …
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