Drug Addiction Help…?
Question by More Dead But More Alive: Drug addiction help…?
so my friend has been going through addictions to weed for a year or two now. and he recently started using crack and is saying it’s impossible for him to quit and that he needs it to live but he wants, no he needs, help. i just don’t know what i can do to make withdrawal easier on him because he’s gone through it so many times now. i dont want to see him suffer again =[ i’m not too familiar with drugs but i think the only way to effectively quit is to see a doctor, which he doesn’t want to do… sigh
i just feel so worthless because i cant do anything to help
is there anything you know that would make withdrawal easier on him? or end the addiction? or SOMETHING…..i’m so scared for him
thanks to those who answer
Best answer:
Answer by Gone [[Like Elvis And His Mom]]
ok first off to the chick that said you can’t be addicted to weed, thats bs, you can…
second i think that you should def seek professional help, he won’t get over his addiction without it, there’s no use in making his withdrawal easier because it sounds like afterwards he will only go back to it, even if he wants to quit, which he seems like he doesn’t, it’s still not that easy.
withdrawal can also be very dangerous and sometimes people die while going through withdrawal symptoms, which is another reason why he should seek help
he’s going to need to see a doctor, go to rehab, whatever it takes, but i wouldn’t try tackling his addiction on your own without the help of a pro. if he’s under 18 then his parents can force him to go to rehab, but otherwise rehab is voluntary and he’s going to actually want to go because you can leave anytime you want, you also have to understand that unlike what that chick about me said about “quitting cold turkey” its not that easy at all. drug and alcohol addictions have to do with the chemicals in your brain and your genetic makeup, some people have addictive personalities and some people don’t, but its not as easy as just quitting because its become something that he has relied on and is addicted to
i know its hard to see him and feel so hopeless, but in all reality you alone cannot help him, most of it is his personal choice, he has to want to get over his addiction otherwise its useless
i also think that you need to tell someone about this be it his parents or whatever, since i don’t know how old this guy is, but you need to tell someone else about this who can actually help him and point him in the direction of professional help
i know you probably don’t want to have to be the one to tell someone about this for him, but it will help him the long run
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