Drug & Alcohol Rehabs Honolulu

Where and What Is the Best Drug Rehab Center?

Question by blueshroom: Where and what is the best Drug Rehab center?
Looking for a drug rehab center for 19 y/o who is abusing opiates.
We are in South Jersey. We’ve tried, individual psychotherapy, Intensive outpt.

I’m not sure if they want treatment because they want to get well or… Continue reading

I’m in Visalia, California. Are There Drug Rehabs Here That Wouldn’t Mind Being Part of a Documentary?

Question by astrid r: I’m in Visalia, California. Are there drug rehabs here that wouldn’t mind being part of a documentary?
I’m planning to do a documentary on rehabilitation centers. I was just wondering whether there are any drug rehabs around here that’ll allow me to shoot and interview some… Continue reading

I Want to Find Buprenorphine-Administering Drug Rehabilitation Centers in Freeport, Texas. How?

Question by aditi is: I want to find buprenorphine-administering drug rehabilitation centers in Freeport, Texas. How?
I have come across information that claims buprenorphine to be better than methadone. I would like to know if this is true, hence the search for drug rehabs. The Internet provides sketchy details and… Continue reading

What Are the Problem With Drug Rehabilitation Programs ?

Question by Ashley: What are the problem with drug rehabilitation programs ?
I want to know if drug rehabilitation programs have any world issue

Like if they think there needs to be more funding or less
What it needs to make it better perhaps like if you were to put… Continue reading

How Will I Find a Drug Rehab in Bogalusa, Louisiana?

Question by brianna n: How will I find a drug rehab in Bogalusa, Louisiana?
My son has gotten himself addicted to heroin, I want to get him into a drug rehab as soon as possible. Any recommendations?

Best answer:

Answer by clare i
You can take him to a doctor… Continue reading

What Do Social Workers Actually Do?

Question by Mz Lopez: What do social workers actually do?
I wanna go to school for psychology but I wanna work more along troubled teenagers or people in need of help like a social worker I guess. not giving medicine.

Best answer:

Answer by Saadia
The investigate cases of child… Continue reading

What Is the Impatient Drug Rehab Patient Phone Number for Valley Forge Medical Center in Pa?

Question by Melissa: what is the impatient drug rehab patient phone number for valley forge medical center in pa?

Best answer:

Answer by Kitty Gold
Here’s their contact number, why don’t you call and ask? http://www.vfmc.net/contact-us.html


I Am Looking for an Inpatient Rehab Program and Have Some Questions?

Question by melli23: i am looking for an inpatient rehab program and have some questions?
like, what if i have no way to pay for it? are there any good websites i should check out? (for alcohol, by the way) are you allowed to shave? if you check in voluntarily,… Continue reading

If Marijuana Were Legal, Would Rehab Embrace It Like They Do Cigarettes?

Question by harryh: If marijuana were legal, would rehab embrace it like they do cigarettes?
I have a former relative in a drug rehab facility. When he went in, he was not a cigarette smoker. From what I hear, he has now taken up smoking, and the facility is discouraging… Continue reading

Roxanol Withdrawal and Roxanol Detox

Roxanol Withdrawal and Roxanol Detox
http://HolisticDrugRehab.com/ Roxanol Withdrawal and Roxanol Detox – learn about how to properly detox from Roxanol, and what can be expected during Roxanol withdrawals. Roxanol is an opiate…