Emotional Treatment Centers?
Question by Rawr: Emotional Treatment Centers?
Okay, recently Demi Lovato went into one. But not for drugs or alcohol or because she’s very violent. Just because she needed to sort things out. So I was wondering, this year has been so emotionally draining for me. I feel as if help would be nice. I am always arguing with my mother and I want to change that. I don’t live with my dad but when I visit, we have a not so great relationship. I’m very shy, very emotional, and have many thoughts that I don’t feel like mentioning on here that I need to straighten out. I’m short tempered when it comes to my mom and dad. I don’t know why. I’m no like that with anyone else what so ever.
I have so many fears and like I said “certain thoughts” that have been botherig me.
Are there any emotional treatment centers that could help? I’m not terribly bad off. But help other then parents sometimes works best.
Best answer:
Answer by Dave
When we found out my wife had breast cancer it was emotionally draining, it is hard to cope with these life and death issues. As an important member of her team I took it upon myself to find a psychologist that had experience in dealing with cancer patients. I found one that was a cancer survivor, not breast but she knew the issues that we faced.
It is important to have somebody on your team that you can talk to, I would seek information from your primary care physician for a recommendation. I just started calling psychologists in my area and got lucky. We ended up using two different ones, and it helped us get through this disease.
Everyone should consider getting professional help when dealing with cancer issues, or any others issues that interfere with a healthy lifestyle. For myself, I was abused emotionally and physically by my dad when I was a boy, it started when I was 5 and lasted until I was 13 when my dad left.
I saw a counselor for several years in dealing with self esteem issues, and even now decades after the abuse took place, I find myself there again. So for us, it could be something that needs to be continuing. But in your case, you need to start help ASAP.
I have learned some methods of dealing with these issues, now you need a plan too. Good luck,
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