High in Ohio: Children Suffer During Parents' Addictions
High in Ohio: Children suffer during parents' addictions
“It all went downhill from there,” she said. She said she hit bottom in 2012 after an overdose nearly killed her. “I died and then somehow, I woke up,” she said. That moment was a turning point for Cooper. She began to get involved in the Marion County …
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Nebraska federal courts are 'destination' for meth, US Attorney says
From 2008 to 2012, drug convictions comprised the largest portion — 46 percent — of criminal convictions in federal court in Nebraska, according to a U.S. Sentencing Commission report. That's more than the next three largest groups of cases …
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Crystal Meth made in North Korea floods drug markets
North Korea is said to be in the grip of a crystal meth epidemic with the drug being produced on an industrial scale by corrupt officials in collusion with criminal gangs and the number of addicts spiralling. Use of meth is reportedly so common in the …
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