Honolulu Drug & Alcohol Treatment Centers

Is SUBOXONE a Narcotic?

Question by getoffmyback: Is SUBOXONE a narcotic?

Best answer:

Answer by **Anti-PeTA**
Yes it is. 1. What are Suboxone and Subutex?

Subutex and Suboxone are medications approved for the treatment of opiate dependence. Both medicines contain the active ingredient, buprenorphine hydrochloride, which works to reduce the symptoms of… Continue reading

I Need to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Humble, Texas. How?

Question by divya 3xb: I need to find substance abuse treatment centers in Humble, Texas. How?
I have to do this because I’m writing a paper about prescription drug addiction. I figured it would be good to interview people who are dealing with this kind of thing on… Continue reading

SYMPLICITY: Is This the End of Renal Denervation?

SYMPLICITY: Is This the End of Renal Denervation?
The trial did address some of the limitations of prior studies, but it had some of its own shortcomings, according to Bhatt, including the fact that drug adherence was not confirmed through blood testing, the relatively short follow-up, the possible …
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Bryant Signs Criminal-Justice Overhaul Bill

Bryant signs criminal-justice overhaul bill
The bill is modeled on criminal-justice changes made in recent years in Texas, Georgia and other states with Republican governors who campaigned as being tough on crime. The Mississippi bill says anyone convicted of a violent offense will be required …
Read more on SunHerald.com… Continue reading

Studies Find New Drugs Greatly Lower Cholesterol

Studies find new drugs greatly lower cholesterol
"We were very, very pleased" about how well patients accepted the shots, and if they offer better results, especially for those with inherited conditions, "people will accept it," said Dr. Michael Koren of Jacksonville Center for Clinical Research in …
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Manoa Harassment Suspect Scheduled to Appear in Court

Manoa harassment suspect scheduled to appear in court
The 22-year-old homeless man, suspected of harassing Manoa residents last month, stood within five inches of his latest victim's face at Ala Moana Center yelling and threatened to hit him, according to court documents. The District Court preliminary …
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Back in the Cage: The Miraculous Tale of Jay Mendez

Back in the Cage: The Miraculous Tale of Jay Mendez
He was booked to fight in Hawaii, and he was training with Guy Mezger. He had … I don't do drugs. My body is very valuable to me,” he said. “I don't even take Tylenol. I take all natural stuff.”… Continue reading

Does Green Tea Help Treat Acne?

Question by ?Emily?: Does Green Tea Help treat acne?
Does Green tea really help reduce acne in conjunction with a good diet? Also, I have extremely oily skin. Is there any way to lessen the oiliness?

Best answer:

Answer by Tui
Green tea’s antioxidants have been shown to be highly… Continue reading

How to Get Goverment Help for Depression?

Question by jewels: How to get goverment help for depression?
I am 18 and depressed. I was wondering if there is anyway I can get goverment help to cover anti depressents? I live in Utah, if anyone has a number or knows exactly what to do. I really… Continue reading

Mr. Heroin Comes to Paradise & What Is Behind This?

Mr. Heroin Comes to Paradise & What is Behind This?
How excited I was when I received the call from Jim and Karen, two old friends from high school: Do you want to join us at our time-share in Kauia, Hawaii for two weeks? They called far enough in advance… Continue reading