Lung Diseases: I Have a Lung Disease Called Bronchiectasis, They Have Tried Most Everything to Help Me Breathe
Question by Goodbye: Lung diseases: I have a lung disease called Bronchiectasis, they have tried most everything to help me breathe
But, to no avail nothing seems to be working. Anyone know of anyone that has this and if so, what treatments seem to work. I am 35 and they… Continue reading
Hawaii CO's Excessive Sick Days Deny Visits by Inmate's Families
Hawaii CO's excessive sick days deny visits by inmate's families
HONOLULU — The day the Seattle Seahawks beat the Denver Broncos, 68 Oahu Community Correctional Center guards called in sick. That's roughly a third of the 214 adult corrections officers … The Kailua man also noted that OCCC serves as… Continue reading
Is There a List of the Different Rehabilitation Centers or Medical Institutions Which Offers Drug Treatment Pr
Question by butch: Is there a list of the different rehabilitation centers or medical institutions which offers drug treatment pr
I’m looking for rehab centers or hospitals which provide treatment programs for drug addicts. My father has been addicted to heroin for two years now and after a… Continue reading
Spring and Easter Fun Guide
Spring and Easter Fun Guide
(Longs Drugs parking lot). Features keiki train rides and Plant-and-Take Seedling Project, with entertainment by Wahiawa's young musicians. Call 221-2774. Crazy Carnival: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Town Center of Mililani, with entertainment by …
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Utah Woman Arrested After 7 Dead Babies Found
Utah woman arrested after 7 dead babies found
Family and neighbors identified the estranged husband as Darren West, who has been in prison on drug-related charges. … He said he has used his snow-blower to clean off the driveway of the home and the young women would thank him. The… Continue reading
Can a Person With Drug Addiction Be Treated?
Question by BlackShadow11: Can a person with drug addiction be treated?
like is it actually treatable? please really urgent to know :”(
Best answer:
Answer by Mike
Yes you can take that person to a clinic, maybe they will give them prescriptions to… Continue reading
Why Do Substance Abuse Treatment Programs Include the Usage of Drugs?
Question by darian f: Why do substance abuse treatment programs include the usage of drugs?
Why do people who are undergoing rehabilitation have to use the likes of methadone? I’ve always thought that it was just abstaining from the illegal drug, as well as counseling and therapy,… Continue reading
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I am recovering from a tendinitis suffered while training for 2010 Honolulu Marathon and have around 35 pounds to shed before I can train for few Marathons later this year. Synonyms Doxytas … He and other buy cialis online no rx contributors examine… Continue reading
Is There Online Help for Drug/alcohol Abuse?
Question by Emily: Is there online help for drug/alcohol abuse?
Are there any websites a person can go to for ONLINE HELP for drug and/or alcohol addiction? SWIM wants to try rehab, but he wants to try it online. Do you know of any websites that he can… Continue reading
If I Have One, Will My Drug Test Be Okay?
Question by neon: If I have one, Will my drug test be okay?
I am in an outpatient rehab program and have been staying clean and have passed all my random drug screens, but Saturday night I messed up and took some pain pills (hydrocodone). Today is Monday,… Continue reading