How Drug Addiction in Punjab Is Lowering Sex Drives and Pushing Up the Divorce Rate
How drug addiction in Punjab is lowering sex drives and pushing up the divorce rate
Pubjab’s drug-addict youngsters just can’t get no satisfaction. Areas of the state particularly notorious for drug consumption have been witnessing a mercurial rise in the number of divorces, and experts put this trend down to rampant abuse of …
drug addiction – Bing News
Editorial: Anti-heroin measures help drug addiction battle
Businesses have complained about trying to find job candidates who can pass a pre-employment drug test. But we are working to reduce the abuse through a slew of programs. These include a grant to Green Bay police to focus on prevention …
drug addiction – Bing News
Diagnosing the Drug Deal: Did Shumlin Overstate the Case for Vermont’s Opiate “Crisis”?
“In every corner of our state, heroin and opiate drug addiction threatens us,” Shumlin … it matters little to the addicts trying to get help, and to the providers who don’t have enough resources to go around. “To the individuals and families …
drug addiction – Bing News