How Many Psychiatrists Before I Get Adderall?

Question by Kathy: How many psychiatrists before I get adderall?
I know this question makes me sound like a 20 year old looking for easy boosts…

But I just want to be normal. Stop pulling all-nighters all the time and failing my exams.

If my insurance covered it, I wouldn’t mind frequently seeing him, but I am paying out of pocket.
How long would it take for the slip.
I highly DOUBT you did speeches, because as a sophomore in college I know half the stuff you said is false. Those side effects are rare and I DON’T plan on “faking it”. I will be 100% honest. I don’t think I have ADHD, I think I have ADD-Inactive.
I’m sorry, I won’t fake it. I just have a limited amount of money… I also don’t want to see a crap doctor that gives Rx’s to anyone.
I’m sorry, I won’t fake it. I just have a limited amount of money… I also don’t want to see a crap doctor that gives Rx’s to anyone.
Trust me I have ADHD/ADD. when I study for exams, I get A’s. When I don’t, it’s because my mind is on everything except studying. I have always had these issues, but in college you have so much more work…. I don’t know which because as a child/high school I would constantly interrupt class because I was “bored”. The number of times I have been in the principal’s office could easily number 1000. In college, it stopped.. So I don’t know why but I need to do something and I am not going to a GP because it’s 10 miles away (MY INSURANCE SUCKS BALLS).
Well like I said, I will be 150% honest, and if he tells me I do not need it, jeez it may even convince me I am normal. I understand it has those effects on people who do not need it… But it doesn’t have those affects on people who do not. I asked about Adderall because other drugs/Ritalin seems to have more possible side effects which is why I delayed getting help for 1 year (technically 6 of suffering).

Best answer:

Answer by paul
Google it

Answer by christian
Taking adderall to enhance your concentration may seem worth it in the long run but the withdrawals aren’t.
users that don’t necessarily need it experience hectic side effects such as: paranoid psychosis, more agitation and anxiousness, less appetite, heart problems, mood swings, depression, etc. It’s better to not take the easy way out.
Being normal doesn’t mean taking adderall/ritalin.
And if you want adderall that badly, just find someone who sells speed. Adderall is composed of amphetamines which is basically speed.

THOUGH I’ve read online that it is easy to fake the symptoms of ADHD so you could try reading into that. Your choice.


And i actually did do those speeches last fall semester, I’m into my second year of college as well. And although rare, it doesn’t mean any of it is false. And the way you phrased it sounded as if you were trying to fake it since you were looking for an easy way out.
I’m just saying.


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