How to Get Goverment Help for Depression?
Question by jewels: How to get goverment help for depression?
I am 18 and depressed. I was wondering if there is anyway I can get goverment help to cover anti depressents? I live in Utah, if anyone has a number or knows exactly what to do. I really need this I have a LONG family history of it and a long history of abuse as a child. I know I have a chemical imbalance and very high anxiety but I also know I am depressed, I really just want the old me back. Please if anyone knows what to do please please help me.
Best answer:
Answer by mhmmm
Government won’t do anything for you for that particular thing. You need a specialist for that kind of stuff. To hold you over you can try finding refuge in support groups or religion. Buddhism is a great religion to study, but it holds no obligation to drop Christian or any other faith. Just find an outlet, until you can afford a specialist.
Answer by drdjjt
Call your county mental health authority and ask those questions. Your family dr. can help you fill out a form (you might have to get it online from the drug company and then have the dr.s office fill it out) to get free medication from the drug manufactures if you don’t have insurance- most offer a program to help.Some generics are really cheap now from the pharmacy.
I think you need therapy for your abusive past, and not drugs to suppress the symptoms, Pills won’t help you get past those issues,they just cover up the symptoms of pain.You have depression and anxiety because of unresolved issues that wil always be there if you don’t get some help.
That doesn’t mean there is a “chemical imbalance” that you need to throw pills at. The term “chemical imbalance” is a term used by pharmaceutical company’s to get your $ .
They make billions (no kidding) from just ONE antidepressant medication.
Example of relief without medication- think about how good you would feel if I said you could have a month vacation in Hawaii,no responsibilities or bills ,just sitting on a beautiful sunny beach and having a wonderful vacation.
I bet that would lift your spirits for awhile.without medication, maybe you would feel the anxiety and depression lift. Therapy can lift your depression also. Take courage and deal with your past to give yourself a better future.
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