How to Help Someone With a Pill Addiction .w Privacy Health Policy?

Question by me: how to help someone with a pill addiction .w privacy health policy?
I have a friend who is a drug addict he got in car accident and started getting prescribed hydrocodene and so mas they stoped prescribing him now his general doctor is prescribing him way more than the other 75 hydrodene and 120 so mas he has gone through 60 pills of hydrocene in 3 days and took 4 so mas at at a time with the private policy I don’t know how to help if he wont help himself im afraid im going come home and find him dead

Best answer:

Answer by deshane2530
There is nothing you can do to keep him off drugs if he has access. You just need to have a talk with him. I mean you could tell the doctor but at least he is getting them legally. If you tell the doctor and he freaks out he will likely buy them off the street. It is a no win situation. He has to want to quit or be put in jail or rehab. My husband was on drugs for a long time and many of my friends. It takes will power.

Answer by Debs H
I think you are talking about the painkiller dihydocodeine. Its difficult to help without knowng the health policy of your particular country / state. Best thing to do, if you cant persuade your friend to get help, is talk to a doctor to find out what can be done. Good luck.


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