I Am Looking for an Inpatient Rehab Program and Have Some Questions?

Question by melli23: i am looking for an inpatient rehab program and have some questions?
like, what if i have no way to pay for it? are there any good websites i should check out? (for alcohol, by the way) are you allowed to shave? if you check in voluntarily, can you leave anytime you want? also, you can pm me if you are serious and have some experience in this. thank you very much.

Best answer:

Answer by kiki
Where are u from? email me if u want and i will try and help.

Answer by James W
Go to crchealth.com. I work for White Deer Run who is one of crchealth’s companies. We are located in PA and CRC has sites nation wide. If you have no way to pay for it, go to your local drug and alcohol commission, they will do an assessment, deterime if you really need rehab or a lesser level of care, and they will help pay for it. In fact, in PA, you get better benefits being on walfare or funded by the county level than you do with insurance companies that you have to pay for yourself. Yes, you are allowed to shave, but White Deer does not allow electric shavers. If you check in voluntarily, you can leave anytime you want, but it will often be AMA (against medical advice) at least at my facility. Reason being, the therapist makes a recommendation on what you need in treatment then bases his/her length of stay off that. If you leave before you have met the goals that you and your therapist have developed, it is AMA. Typical length of stay entering our facility is about 21 days for someone without a secondary axis one diagnosis. For people who have say alcohol dependence and bi-polar, their length of time is about 28 days. There is a ton of information I could give to you. E-mail me if you have any further questions.