I Recently Quit Alcoholics Anonymous Due to Major Trust Issues With My Sponsor and Others. Sound Familiar?

Question by calillady38: I recently quit Alcoholics Anonymous due to major trust issues with my sponsor and others. Sound Familiar?
I became a member of AA 2 years ago due to an addiction to Vicodin however, I never had an issue with alcohol. I was willing to give up drugs and alcohol to overcome my addiction: even identifying as an alcoholic, although it never felt quite right. I chose a hard core sponsor who shared everything with me including the lives of her other sponsees which made me wonder was she sharing my life with them as well? She tried to control every aspect of my life constantly overstepping boundaries. I trusted her with very deep feelings I had for someone and she made me feel ashamed for having those feelings. Instead of helping to resolve and fix this relationship I belive she made it worse by saying things that were not true. For me to even think of trying to trust someone again in those rooms is unfathomable. I know someone will tell me to do a 4th step! I already did. I only want to hear from someone who has experienced something similar to this. Thank you. Feel free to contact me via messngr

Best answer:

Answer by eizus28
Try NA . [Narcotics Anonymous] It’d be a better choice for you in my opinion. Luck to you on your recovery.

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Local Support Groups, April 2013

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If your information needs to be updated, please email the information to [email protected] with SUPPORT GROUP UPDATE in the subject line, or write to Lifestyles, SUPPORT GROUP UPDATE, Salisbury Post, POBox 4639, Salisbury, NC 28144 …
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