If I Have One, Will My Drug Test Be Okay?
Question by neon: If I have one, Will my drug test be okay?
I am in an outpatient rehab program and have been staying clean and have passed all my random drug screens, but Saturday night I messed up and took some pain pills (hydrocodone). Today is Monday, if I have a screen tomorrow, would I be able to pass?
P.S. I passed
Best answer:
Answer by Jennifer
Hi.Well…you last took the hydrocodone on Saturday? So,tomorrow being Tuesday…you have the drug screening.Right? That’s 3 days….yeah…You’ll pass………..
Please…Please,keep in mind…your recovery IS a very important thing,and not only to continue in your outpatient program,but for your own well being,and recovery.Although,I truly understand times can be difficult when it comes to using,and not using.But,the fact is…you MUST maintain your sobriety…at any cost.And,what your doing is NOT acceptable! Like I said……You WILL pass your drug screen on Tuesday! Not to worry about that.But,I again strongly advise you to start taking your sobriety seriously.All the best…
Speak with your counselor..be honest about using Saturday.It’s the best thing for you to do,and the best for your sobriety,and to maintain your outpatient treatment.You may not get so lucky next time.Hopefully there won’t be a next time.Again….all the best!
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