I’m Going to Rehab Tomorrow Morning. Can Someone Tell Me What It’s Like?

Question by ItsYoMomma: I’m going to rehab tomorrow morning. Can someone tell me what it’s like?
I’m 19, and I live in Nashville, Georgia. And i’m going to rehab tomorrow morning for alcohol, marijuana, pills, and tobacco. What is it like? I am truthfully scared of this commitment. Is it the right choice? Please. Serious answers. I need help.

Best answer:

Answer by Antonia
Its ok i spent a whole year at rehab for all the same reasons some rehab centers have pools an spas were you can relax were you can eat all you want get massages its really nice they have groups were you talk about your problems i didn’t want to leave but i knew i had to see my family you will feel right at home BTW im 18

Answer by Mrs.K
It really depends on the rehab. There is this cult like rehab called U turn for Christ. That place I would not recommend to my worst enemy. Others rehabs that are not religious can be relaxing, informative and life changing. If you are going to a 12 step rehab xpect alot of group sessions, talks and meetings. Usually they take you to either a NA or AA meeting every day. If you go to a Religious one they tend to not let you even mention drugs and are expected to pray away your addiction without any real education as to why you gave your problem and how it effects your body.


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