I’m Trying to Determine if There Is Any Conclusive Studies That Link Alcohol and Drug Addiction to Genetics?
Question by kenabernethy2004: I’m trying to determine if there is any conclusive studies that link alcohol and drug addiction to genetics?
Best answer:
Answer by Freak S.
there are studies that show that you are more likely to develop a alcohol/drug addiction but of course there are a huge amount of variables that would need to be taken into account to prove it conclusively, check out bbc news there is a story about tobacco addiction been linked to a gene
Answer by Wupadoo
There is over whelming evidence, that Adult Children of Alcoholics, have been given the “addiction Gene” from one, or both of their parents. Check these web sites out for the info you seek.
Controversial trial at NHS clinics to offer cash for drug addicts who stay clean
Injecting drug users, of which there are estimated to be around 250,000 in the UK, are at high risk of infection from HBV and other blood-borne viruses, including HIV, contracted after using shared needles. Sexual partners and children of injectors are …
Read more on The Independent
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