Iran Sees First Major Charity Set Up to Help Homeless, Addicts

Iran sees first major charity set up to help homeless, addicts
We make friends with the homeless and gain their trust; from there, we can try to help them recover from addiction and find shelter for them. We've created a drug rehabilitation centre, called 'The House of Hope'. Any homeless person who wants to kick …
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At Narconon New Life Retreat Recovery from Drugs Sparks Success
Narconon New Life Retreat graduate, Elizabeth Stanley, returns to running using her recovery from drugs to help inspire others completing a successful half marathon in Baton Rouge. The race … “Recovery from a drug or alcohol addiction isn't easy …
Read more on PR Web (press release)


What's happening today in the north valley
Weekly. Pills Anonymous: 4-5 p.m. Program of recovery based on the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous recognizing prescription drug addiction; cross-addicted and multiple-substance addicted attendees welcome. Congregational Church, 1190 E. First Ave.
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