Is Marijuana Legal or Illagal? and if U….?

Question by I<3DaJabbaWockeeZ: Is Marijuana Legal or Illagal? And if u....?
Ok 1st don’t think wrong about me. Im doing a project on marijuana cause my health teacher want everybody to pick a drug and write what happened and what does it do. Its looks easy but its really hard. But i have a question and i really want a good answer. Is Marijuana Legal or Illegal? What happened if you get caught using it?

Please and Thanks You!

Best answer:

Answer by Debbie
It depends on where you live. In most places, marijuana is illegal. The penalties also vary. In some places, users who are caught will receive a warning and the police will throw away their marijuana, but in other places a marijuana user will go to prison.

The penalties also vary depending on the severity of the crime. If you are using marijuana, you wont be in as much trouble as you would be if you were growing marijuana and selling it.

Answer by Allen R
It differs from state to state. Some have legal medical marijuana & some even allow you to grow a few plants for personal use.


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