Is My Friend on Drugs? Im Really Worried.?

Question by mary g: Is my friend on drugs? Im really worried.?
My best friend is really smart and in good moral standing, but lately she has been acting realllly weird. She is usually a fairly reserved person, but for like the past month she is really jittery and full of energy. She cant sit still for more than like 5 mins, she constantly has to be doing things. Usually when she does tasks like her homework, she is very thorough and complete about it, but lately she is really brief and is taking more tasks on at a time that she wont be able to finish. The other day she said she felt hot, but it is literally like 5 degrees outside. When we went back inside she was sweating pretty bad, and when i touched her cheeks and forehead she was burning. She also has bags under he eyes like she hasnt slept in weeks. My friend and i are both 16. Is it possible shes like on speed, or is she just really stressed and stuff..i mean were taking the act soon, and she has always been an overacheiver, so is she just like freaking out about it or something? What should i do, im worried.
ive asked her and she said no

Best answer:

Answer by EMT1400
I bet she’s taking Adderall. Just ask her and see how she responds.

Answer by sunkissed aussie
Yes she is probably on speed. Or most likely she is taking ADHD drugs. Some school kids buy ADHD drugs off other kids because it makes them concentrate more. But it sounds like she is taking too much of it. You need to tell an adult about this.


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