Looking for Alternative Treatment Options for Meth Addiction.?

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Question by crickslick181: looking for alternative treatment options for meth addiction.?
I have researched until my fingers are numb. Trying to find detox using ibogaine, prometta, or other anti craving drug in New Mexico. Willing to do clinical trials, inpatient, detox w/outpatient. help I am trying tosave my life. stage 1 cirrosis.

Best answer:

Answer by SheBandit77
I wish you the best of luck on your long ,hard trip..

You have made the right move, you know you need to stop and need help..

Do a search engine look up on your computer, there are many MANY options out there for help.

Just dont detox and switch your habit to another substance..its too easy to do..

Answer by bkzalley
There isn’t an alternative treatment that I know of for meth addiction. I believe that the most affective treatment is behavior modification and detoxification. Both need at least a year to be successful. I have included a site to help you if you want below.
Good luck to you or anyone who is trying to beat this ugly monster!


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