Man in Jail After Stealing Objects for Drug Addiction – WJAC Johnstown

Man in jail after stealing objects for drug addiction – WJAC Johnstown

Man in jail after stealing objects for drug addiction
WJAC Johnstown
ALTOONA, Pa. — Police said a man who went to Altoona seeking drug treatment is charged with breaking into dozens of cars in the area. Police said Richard Boggs stole money, jewelry and gift cards during a three month period and investigators said he

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GUEST OPINION: It takes a community to beat drug addiction – Taunton Daily Gazette

GUEST OPINION: It takes a community to beat drug addiction
Taunton Daily Gazette
Imagine if the top story on the front page of this morning's Taunton Daily Gazette was about 72 people in Taunton having been shot so far this year with seven of them dead from their wounds. That wasn't the story last weekend, though. There are still

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