My Dad Had Seizure……?

Question by Ashley C: My dad had seizure……?
Alright. So I had not heard from my dad for a few months and I was a little worried. He tended to call once a week at most. Now my birthday had passed and he hadn’t called me to wish me a happy birthday. He always does this. So it meant one of 3 things. 1] He was incarcerated; 2] He was dead and no one had told me or 3] He’d totally forgotten my birthday. That has never happened before so I ruled out number 3. Now concerning my father and jail. I think had he lived in PA long enough, they would know him by name. Now I looked at the police website and looked at probably over a thousand police records for the month. He wasn’t on there. So I asked my mom what I should to find him and she said to wait. Now I’ve forgot to mention something. My dad and I are on the same cell phone plan. HOWEVER, he canceled our plan without telling me, making it no possible for him to contact me and vise versa. Okay so the day after my birthday we come home from Target and I say before anyone else “I’m gonna use the phone.” So as my grandmother hands me the phone it starts ringing and I see my other grandma’s number pop up. When I answer it, my dad tells me everything and in order not to make myself cry, I can’t say actual sentences. “Uhhuh. Love you too.” before I hang up. Now I’m in shock but I call my fiance to tell him. He doesn’t know a lot about my father but since his father hasn’t contacted him ever, we’re in the same boat. Now he had told me he’d been in the hospital 2 months. I was concerned because I had not heard anything about it. What if he died? Would they tell me then? Would they even tell me that I didn’t have a father anymore? I’m scared to even trust the hospital anymore. What should I do guys?

Best answer:

Answer by on my 4th account 🙁
how old are you? maybe people dont want to tell you because they’ll think you cant take it. you have to tell them that you are really concerned and that you are able to take the news

Answer by Chloe
I’m a bit confused. You say that you talked to your father FINALLY, right? You said the your father said he was in the hospital for 2 months? That sounds serious. However, you also mentioned that your father possibly could have been incarcerated which makes me think maybe he has a substance abuse problem (nothing to be ashamed of, I’m a recovering addict). Perhaps he was in jail and couldn’t call you (they only allow collect calls remember) and was too ashamed to write. I don’t totally trust those police websites, they don’t update that type of information very much. My other thought was maybe he was in some sort of drug rehab or psychological hospital. It’s just that 2 months is a VERY long time to be in a regular hospital and you’re right, it must be something serious (or have been something serious). Is it possible your father (not to scare you) has AIDs or something? The hopsital can’t really help you much on the phone because of patient privacy rights. You need to call the hospital and find out though if he’s a patient and explain your are his daughter. Or is he out already? Are you asking would your grandma tell you if he’d passed away? I would hope so! The ONLY way to make yourself feel better is to find out what’s going on. You need to go visit your dad in the hospital and if he’s there, tell them to be honest with you on what’s going on! I’m sorry, I couldn’t be of more help, I’m just a bit confused still! I wish you all the luck! Hopefully, it’s nothing serious and maybe it was something like he was getting some sort of psychological hospitalization. I’m just guessing your dad has some “problems” since you rarely see your dad. Even if he’s not well, be there for him! GOOD LUCK!
added- also let your dad and grandma know that you are not a little girl anymore and you need to know the truth even if it hurts! (this is about patient rights in a hospital)


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