[NEWS of the WEIRD]


Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

“Building Bridges” in principle supports interfaith dialogue, but guests (noted Slate) “often appear… with their eyebrows arched in the manner of a serious person certain he is the victim of a practical joke.” RECURRING … As a condition of …
Read more on Yes! Weekly


Madison County drug court efficient and effective

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Drug court participants have excellent accountability and treatment while they remain in a community setting. Drug court is a model of community policing, shaped around principles of prevention, empowerment, collaboration, and cooperative problem solving.
Read more on Norfolk Daily News (blog)


New Technique Selectively Dampens Harmful Immune Responses

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

June 3, 2013 — The human immune system is remarkably efficient, but sometimes its attack is misdirected, leading to allergies, autoimmune diseases and rejection of transplant organs and therapeutic drugs. Current … As a proof of principle, the study …
Read more on Science Daily (press release)


An Insider's Revolt against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

… be so forthright in his condemnation of the pharmaceutical industry and the widespread use of psychiatric medication. While Frances defends the judicious use of medication for serious mental illness, he argues that the bulk of the pharmacological …
Read more on Metapsychology