No Pot in County… Commissioners Told

No pot in county… commissioners told
As a law enforcement officer, he said he has found marijuana to be a gateway drug. He said he has asked drug addicts about drug use and many have indicated to him that they began using marijuana before trying other substances. “Consistently, marijuana …
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Hawaiian legend Montgomery "Buttons" Kaluhiokalani passes away at 54
Montgomery Ernest Thomas Kaluhiokalani was born on the 30th March, 1959, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His first … Later, Montgomery Ernest Thomas Kaluhiokalani would experience the terrible world of drugs and addiction, which he fortunately defeated in 2007.
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Basketballer's tale of redemption
If this doesn't come across as a warning against the destructive powers of the drug we call P (for pure methamphetamine) and in Hawaii, where Ross first sampled the devil's nectar, they know as Ice, then he has wasted his breath. He's not telling …
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