Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why Does Drug Treatment Keep Failing? Northbound Treatment Services


Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why does drug treatment keep failing? Northbound Treatment Services – Prevent Drug Treatment Failing, Why does drug treatment keep failing? If you have a loved one suffering from addiction, call today to discuss treatment optio…


Depressed? Don't Just Go for the Pills

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

… about the controlling behavior of her husband. Unfortunately, far too many psychiatrists now prescribe medication (usually anti-depressants but sometimes addictive drugs like Xanax) rather than doing psychotherapy or even suggesting it. … helps …
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Health Q&A: Helping smokers cut the habit

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

Going “cold turkey” is looking to be less of an option for smokers, and governments worldwide are catching on to that trend. Following the steps of the Food and Drug Administration, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in Britain is …
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Varenicline for alcohol dependence? CV events and suicide concerns linger

Filed under: drug addiction treatment options

Bethesda, MD – Varenicline (Chantix, Pfizer), currently approved to aid smoking cessation, shows a signal that it may also help in the treatment of alcohol dependence, new research suggests. However, concerns linking the drug to an increased risk of …
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