Solving the Prescription Drug Misuse Tragedy

Solving the Prescription Drug Misuse Tragedy

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

They include a Prescription Safe Campus program; prescription drug abuse prevention and treatment support integrated into workplace wellness efforts, and a program that will improve the supply and affordability of Naloxone/narcan, drugs that can …
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Colombia Hopes Marijuana Will Help Addicts Kick Hard Drug Habit

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

Researchers countered that besides the marijuana, bazuco addicts will also be receiving treatment, emergency shelter and job training to help get them back on their feet. Colombia is not known internationally for being lax on drugs. For years, the …
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Is Obama Delivering on His Promise of a "21st Century" Approach to Drugs?

Filed under: free drug addiction treatment

Obama has indeed repeatedly increased funding for addiction treatment. He proposed $ 9 billion in his latest budget, up 18 percent from 2012. Despite that, only 1 in 10 of the 21.6 million Americans in need of drug or alcohol addiction treatment …
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