'Sputnik' Orbits a Russian City, Finding and Healing Tuberculosis

'Sputnik' Orbits A Russian City, Finding And Healing Tuberculosis

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

One Siberian city is tackling the problem with an innovative health program, called Sputnik, affectionately named after the first man-made satellite launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. The new Sputnik is a mobile clinic; teams of nurses orbit like …
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Why More Young Moms Are Turning to Drugs and Alcohol

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

According to a new survey from Caron Treatment Centers, 88 percent of women drink alcohol at home (as opposed to bars), and 70 percent have driven while under the influence. Meanwhile, 44 percent admitted to abusing prescription drugs (opiates and …
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Public policy against illegal drugs supports firing of public school aide

Filed under: alcohol and drug treatment programs

Recognizing the gravity of her conduct, however, the arbitrator required that the Grievant participate in a drug and alcohol treatment program, abstain from mood altering drugs or chemical substances while on duty, submit to drug and alcohol screenings …
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