bipolar disorder

Supreme Court to Mull California Prison Overcrowding as Hunger Strike

Supreme Court To Mull California Prison Overcrowding As Hunger Strike

Filed under: christian drug rehab

Now in the third week of protests, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation reports that as of Monday, 986 inmates in 11 California state prisons continue their hunger strikes. Prisoners have issued a… Continue reading

Bipolar Disorder Takes Different Path in Patients Who Binge Eat, Study Suggests

Bipolar Disorder Takes Different Path in Patients Who Binge Eat, Study Suggests

Filed under: drug treatment centers mn

Bipolar disorder evolves differently in patients who also binge eat, a study by Mayo Clinic, the Lindner Center of HOPE and the University of Minnesota found. Binge eating … Bipolar patients who… Continue reading

Marijuana Legalization Gains Support, Confounding Policymakers

Marijuana Legalization Gains Support, Confounding Policymakers

Filed under: alcohol and drug abuse treatment

"We're on this hundred-mile-an-hour freight train to legalizing a third addictive substance," says Kevin Sabet, a former drug policy adviser in the Obama administration, lumping marijuana with tobacco and alcohol. Legalization strategist Ethan …
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Any Help on Bipolar Disorder?

Question by txsweetness: Any help on Bipolar disorder?
My oldest daughter is in a mental hospital, a week ago she had a breakdown and tried hurting herself. She has a problem with pain pills and was under the influence, and in a deep depression. Now she is having memories… Continue reading