drug addiction treatment

Where Can I Find a Good Drug (Crack Cocaine) Rehabilitation Place in Illinois or in Florida?

Question by Emily: Where can I find a good drug (crack cocaine) rehabilitation place in Illinois or in Florida?
My cousin has a serious addiction to crack cocaine. It has come to the time where she needs rehabilitation. She lives in Florida but has family in Illinois. Does… Continue reading

Who’s Know About Drug Addiction?

Question by A. Carlos: who’s know about drug addiction?
Answer here what you know about drug addiction, your history or any you know about drug abuse, drug addiction treatment, drug treatment, drug addiction rehab, drug rehab.

Best answer:

Answer by *vortex*
Drug addiction like all addiction excites the opioid center… Continue reading

Drugs and Our Kids: Funding Cuts Curtail Free Drug Assessments

Drugs and our kids: Funding cuts curtail free drug assessments
Those referred but not assessed went to other providers like the Serenity Treatment or Crossroads centers, Drennan said. Serenity charges $ 100 out of pocket for substance abuse assessment, which can be covered by insurance, according to owner Deb …
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How Can I Locate an Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center Within Ventura, California?

Question by bonnie g: How can I locate an alcohol addiction treatment center within Ventura, California?
My childhood friend begged me to help him find one since he is a self confessed drug dependent and he wants to change for good. Please, help me…:(

Best answer:

Answer by DAPHNE S… Continue reading

Recovering Drug Addicts, Answer.?

Question by : recovering drug addicts, answer.?
I recently started talking to a boy i graduated with. We never were friends, but had tons of mutual friends, and we always said hello and were friendly when we did see eachother. He always seemed really nice. So, he started to talk… Continue reading

What Help Is Available Within England for Heroin Addiction?

Question by Maverick: What help is available within England for Heroin Addiction?
A family member of mine has a Heroin addiction. I have no idea how I can go about helping them, but having already lost one member to the drug, I do not wish to see another lose their… Continue reading

What ALL Are Your Options for Drug Addiction Treatment?

Question by ddti: What ALL Are Your Options for Drug Addiction Treatment?
I have a VERY close family member who is a drug addict. I myself DO NOT enable him in ANY way! Not 5 dollars, not a ride here or anything at all. But I DO have several family… Continue reading

Study Finds Above-Average Drug Use by Massachusetts Teenagers

Study finds above-average drug use by Massachusetts teenagers
BOSTON — A new federal report finds that Massachusetts residents ages 12 to 17 use drugs more than their counterparts across the country and do not perceive great risk in use of marijuana and weekly drinking. The Substance Abuse … The report,… Continue reading

How Can I Find a Psychiatrist in Mineola, NY Area That Does Addiction Treatment?

Question by B333: How can I find a psychiatrist in Mineola, NY area that does addiction treatment?
One of my good friends is currently depressed and she has recently picked up on the habit of using opiates to self-medicate. Her family feels helpless and has requested that I help them… Continue reading

DailyDAC, LLC Founder Jonathan Friedland Selected to the 2014 Illinois Super

DailyDAC, LLC Founder Jonathan Friedland Selected to the 2014 Illinois Super
Healthcare attracts investment in OhioThe health protection sector in Cleveland has drawn large venture funds, following the Minneapolis area which recorded the highest investment for 2013. Nationwide trends in this sector however showed a decline.
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