Medical Marijuana Shapes Up as the Most Prominent 2014 Albany Issue
Medical marijuana shapes up as the most prominent 2014 Albany issue
Cuomo remains opposed to a broad medical marijuana program — even as a growing number of legislators have voiced support, citing stories by patients who say medical marijuana has eased seizures and chronic pain. Others, such as Sen. Phil… Continue reading
Scituate Forum Hears Plea to Battle Drug Addiction With Love
Scituate forum hears plea to battle drug addiction with love
Perry, like others who spoke, said that eliminating the stigma that comes with addiction is the first step to solving the South Shore's drug problem. When she was using, she said, she hid on the “fringes of society,” feeling “unwanted”… Continue reading
Statistics Associated With Recovering From Drug Addiction?
Question by shybutdaring7: Statistics associated with recovering from drug addiction?
Do you know where I can find them, or if you have them and can just give them to me, that would be great, too.
Best answer:
Answer by SPLATT
Look thru this site.
'Rescue kits'… Continue reading
Graphic Images Show Impact of Drug Addiction Over Time
Graphic images show impact of drug addiction over time
The multimedia campaign called, “More Than Meth: Faces of Drug Arrests,” is gaining national attention for its shocking imagery that illustrates the physical decline of drug abusers over time, depicted by their mug shots. The graphic illustrations …
drug addiction –… Continue reading
New Judge Glad to Continue Drug Court
New judge glad to continue Drug Court
Henson, who was very popular among Drug Court participants, offered to stay on to help with the transition, but Robinson decided to take on the highly successful program immediately. He's glad he did. … It is for users, not sellers. “(To admit …… Continue reading
Councilwoman Broomell Challenges Health Officer on Drug Council's Work
Councilwoman Broomell challenges health officer on drug council's work
ELKTON — Cecil County Health Officer Stephanie Garrity defended the work of Ken Collins, her top assistant for addiction services, and John Bennett, chairman of the volunteer drug and alcohol council, on Tuesday morning in the face of direct criticism …… Continue reading
North Korea’s New Drug Addiction – GlobalPost
North Korea’s new drug addiction – GlobalPost
North Korea's new drug addiction GlobalPost A North Korean guard post, seen from a South Korean observation tower in Paju near the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas, on December 23, 2011. Reports of rampant recreational drug use of amidon are trickling out… Continue reading |
Will a 14 Day Stay in Drug Rehab Work?
Question by : Will a 14 day stay in drug rehab work?
My boyfriend has a heroin addiction and wants to get help. He doesn’t have health insurance and everywhere he has called either says they are full or can only take him for 14 days. Are there any other… Continue reading
Recovering Heroin Addict Speaks About Years of Addiction
Recovering heroin addict speaks about years of addiction
22-year-old Melissa Welch has been struggling with drug addiction since age 16, starting with opiates and working her way up to heroin.
drug addiction – Yahoo News Search Results
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Horrors of Drug Addiction on Display at Syosset Forum
Horrors of drug addiction on display at Syosset forum
But they could also point to drug addiction. “What’s so disturbing about the … all preconceived ideas about what a heroin addict looks like,” Fexas said. “She was a full-blown heroin addict in this picture.” District Attorney Kathleen Rice’s …
drug… Continue reading