treat addiction

Track Patients Addicted to Prescription Drugs, Home Affairs Committee Tells GPs

Track patients addicted to prescription drugs, home affairs committee tells GPs
The Commons home affairs committee says that the scale of addiction to prescription drugs in Britain is far greater than those who are in treatment programmes for illegal drugs. But the MPs say in a report published on… Continue reading

EDITORIAL: Treating Drug Addiction Like a Disease Is Key

EDITORIAL: Treating drug addiction like a disease is key
Interact for Health has agreed to match donations to help put into practice the recommendations of the Northern Kentucky Heroin Response Team. The organization will match dollar for dollar donations from businesses. For donations from …
drug addiction – Bing News… Continue reading

Beta Blockers and Ephradine?

Question by rtreth6307: Beta blockers and ephradine?
What can be a side effect of taking a beta blocker for high blood pressure and ephradine

Best answer:

Answer by jessiekatsopolous
Death, moron.

Answer by dmckinner
All I can say is just be real careful, thats like mixing bleach and ammonia. They… Continue reading

Is Drug Addiction Really Like ‘Any Other Chronic Illness’? – PJ Media

Is Drug Addiction Really Like ‘Any Other Chronic Illness’? – PJ Media

PJ Media
Is Drug Addiction Really Like 'Any Other Chronic Illness'?
PJ Media
It certainly works in Singapore, if by working we mean a consequent low rate of drug use; but Singapore is a small city state… Continue reading

CDC: Prescription Painkillers More Lethal Than Cocaine and Heroin

CDC: Prescription Painkillers More Lethal Than Cocaine and Heroin

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

The rising number of prescription drug overdoses in the U.S. has prompted the CDC to urge doctors to use better practices with respect to how they treat pain and issue prescriptions for painkillers. “Health-care providers… Continue reading

Protection Extended in Drug Overdoses

Protection extended in drug overdoses

Filed under: drug rehabilitation

Chris Christie signed the bipartisan Overdose Protection Act into law at a drug rehabilitation center in Paterson on May 2. The legislation takes a two-pronged approach to help prevent drug-overdose deaths in New Jersey. First, it provides legal …
Read more… Continue reading

Struggling to Hold Onto Your Sobriety? Try Helping Someone Else

Struggling to Hold Onto Your Sobriety? Try Helping Someone Else

Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment

Until recently, science has focused on discovering new medications to treat addiction. Few researchers have subjected the 12-Step … The helper therapy principle, embodied by AA/NA, holds that when a person helps another… Continue reading

Titan Implant to Treat Addiction Wins U.S. Panel Backing

Titan Implant to Treat Addiction Wins U.S. Panel Backing

Filed under: drug addiction treatment

The FDA panel voted that the drug is safe and effective, while questioning whether the dose of the active ingredient, buprenorphine, was appropriate to help addicts. The advisers supported a risk-mitigation plan though some questioned the… Continue reading

Indianapolis Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Indianapolis Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling


Indianapolis Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Indianapolis Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling – Indianapolis Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Indianapolis Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling Alcohol detoxification Alcohol detoxification (alcohol detox) is a process by which a heavy drinker’s system is brought back to normal after being used… Continue reading

Louisville Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Louisville Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling


Louisville Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Louisville Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling – Louisville Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | Louisville Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling Alcohol detoxification Alcohol detoxification (alcohol detox) is a process by which a heavy drinker’s system is brought back to normal after being used… Continue reading