The Other America

The other America
As Vermont confronts the problem of drug abuse — including the abuse of prescription drugs, which have also wreaked havoc in West Virginia — it's useful to see that poverty and lack of opportunity create similar problems throughout rural America. The …
Read more on Barre Montpelier Times Argus


Opening up about addiction at UNC
Owen is certainly not alone, with the fastest growing new population with alcoholism or drug addiction being people between the ages 18 to 25, said Dean Blackburn, director of Student Wellness. “UNC realized a number of years ago as we were identifying …
Read more on The Daily Tar Heel


Cleaning the Mean Streets
“They're no longer homeless or drug addicts or ex-drug addicts. They are working, they have a sense of pride, a sense of confidence in what they're doing,” even as they work among other homeless still clinging to the drug and crime ridden streets, he says.
Read more on Salt Lake City Weekly


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