- Free Documentary at Aspen's Wheeler Opera House Examines Addiction and …
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- Has Anyone Heard of a Lawsuit Against Eli Lilly & Company Over the Drug Zyprexa®?
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- Teva Pharmaceuticals' Pay-for-Delay Drug Problem
- Help! I Need to Go to a Drug Rehab but Can’t Afford It, Any Suggestions on How to Find a Sponser?
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What Are Some of the Most Extreme Drugs?
Question by Mystique: what are some of the most extreme drugs?
what are some drugs that really make you trip or have hardly any control of your actions? I am NOT going to try any extreme drugs, I am writing a story in which one of the characters ends up getting mixed with drugs and does a lot of things she regrets, and I have to decide which drugs I think would be best for her to get hooked on. Please tell me why you consider the drug an extreme drug and what it does to you – as well as the negative side effects. Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Kris
Heroin, oxy-contin,CRACK,cocaine, Meth. those are a few drugs that will kill you eventually and ruin your life if u dont get help asap
Answer by SapphireJade-xox
umm LSD is good for tripping, and it lasts for a maximum of 12 hours! 🙂
Tennessee set to criminalise pregnant women who use illegal drugs
If Haslam passes the bill, which cleared both chambers of the state legislature last week with resounding majorities, Tennessee will become the first state in the union to hold women criminally accountable for illegal drug use during pregnancy, with …
Read more on The Guardian
Damon Albarn drugs abuse: Blur frontman claims he found heroin 'initially very …
But as positive as he appears to be about the drug's creative uses in this week's issue, Albarn has been extremely vocal about the dangers of addiction in the past. “It's a cruel, cruel thing,” he said. “[Heroin] does turn you into a very isolated …
Read more on The Independent
At prescription drug abuse conference, US Rep. Keating criticizes FDA's …
ATLANTA, Ga. — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's decision to approve Zohydro, a potent and controversial painkiller, was "outrageous" and will have "long-lasting, devastating effects" across the nation, U.S. Rep. William Keating said Wednesday …
Read more on Fall River Herald News
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