What Are Some Short and Long Term Effects of Heroin on the Body?

Question by redflag45: What are some short and long term effects of heroin on the body?

Best answer:

Answer by JamieGirl
Okay, imagine that the links in your brain are a lock and a key. They fit together perfectly in a normally functioning brain. When you take heroin, they break that connection the first time you use between some of the neurons, and they will never be fixed.

Heroin destroys brain cells, permanently, which is why people coming off of Heroin have to take Methadone from a clinic because it provides a fake connection, between neurons and takes the place of heroin in a healthier way.

Coming down from the high leads to the chills, and shaking, feeling nauseated, or vomiting.

22% of all people who take heroin the first time become addicted. If you have not heard of BARBING, please let me explain.

When you use heroin, the tip of the needle crystalizes with the remnants of the drug. It turns into little sharp prickly things, like barbed wire that are invisible to the eye. HOWEVER, when you inject the drig into your vein, these little barbed crystals attach themselves to your veins, and when you pull the needle out, the vein can come right out of your arm.

Using dirty needles can also lead to Hepatitis, or HIV. Heroin use can also leaf to infertility in men and women.

Heroin not only kills your brain cells, but takes the place of everything you have a passion for in life, becuase the high is so intense, any activities you enjoy doing no longer give you that “rush”.

Please read : “Chasing the High: a young persons first hand account with substance abuse” if you are looking for an interesting read about heroin addiction or use. He was a heroin addict, his story is terrifying.

Feel free to email me, if you have any further questions.