What Happens if You Fail a Drug Test in Ohio?

Question by The Question Guy: What happens if you fail a drug test in Ohio?
Just curious if there will be legal action taken or if they will just fire me from the job.

And do places like Pizza Hut or any other restaurants do random drug tests or is it more known for office jobs to do that?

And also..will they test for alcohol or cigarettes or can they not?

Best answer:

Answer by StephenWeinstein
A drug test only shows that you used drugs, not what country you were in at the time. Drug use in not illegal in all countries, so the test does not prove that you did something illegal, only that you did something that would have been illegal if you were in the U.S.

Answer by njunprincess
My husband has worked in 2 union shops here in OH where they do random drug testing. They both had the rule that if you failed the test, and you had been there past your probationary period, they must offer by federal law the chance to go thru a treatment program. Now, both of these companies paid for the treatment if they had to send an employee thru it. It was kind of like a 2nd chance program. If you tested bad a 2nd time, they could terminate you.

I don’t know what federal law they speak of, but must be something to it for 2 companies to be doing it.

Nicotine and alcohol were not factors for either company. They looked for narcotics and pot, er, um, marijuana. That does not mean that they CAN’T test for it.

I have 2 friends that work for Pizza joints, Dominos & Pizza Hut. Neither one have random testing that they know of. That doesn’t mean your specific store won’t.

Hope this helps…maybe you can get more info and ask around about the Fed law on drug rehab.