What Happens if You Violate Probation & Charges Are Pressed?

Question by Jerlond: What happens if you violate probation & charges are pressed?
My boyfriend is a very depressed and suicidal person sometimes. When he drinks he gets kind of violent. I received a phone call from him saying he was in the hospital because he drank too much and took klonopin, when his mom got home he got angry because she found out and i guess they started fighting and he tried to go for the knives. He said He violated his probation and that he might get put on formal probation. He’s only 17 And we live in the state of PA, He says he doesn’t know if the cops are pressing charges or not & that he could get sent away. Lets say they do press charges for violating probation, what happens then? Does he get sent away? Go to Juvenile jail? Goes home since he’s underage and just get formal probation?

Best answer:

Answer by David
There are several different things that could happen. With him being a minor he will not go to prison, Unless he committed a serious felony. If he broke his Probation and Got a new charge. Depending on the severity he could get his probation extended. It is ultimately up to his probation officer. If she wants to revoke his probation and send him to youth detention center. It is up to the District attorney i they want to press the new charges. I would tell your boyfriend to ask for drug/alcohol treatment if they want to revoke him. This will usually get you Drug Treatment and extended probation.

Answer by Rene G
probably extend his probation ive violated about 6 times and they were all extensions till the 5th then i was sent to prison for six months and released on shock probation which now i have to finish my prison sentence on a more strict probation. curfew more drug tests more PO meetings twice a month.classes AA/NA meetings twice a week… fun stuff for him in the future if he cant control him self…


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